Priya Guha MBE holds a portfolio of non-executive roles, including at UK Research & Innovation, Reach plc, and the Digital Catapult, and the former diplomat is now a venture partner at Merian Ventures, which champions investing in female-led businesses. Here, she shares how boards can foster innovation and why we’ve all got the non-executive career path the wrong way around.
Being appointed as the UK Consul General in San Francisco. Having the opportunity to immerse myself in the Silicon Valley ecosystem made me want to stay in the world of technology rather than that of diplomacy – so I decided to switch tracks and step out of the Foreign Office.
I think it’s incredibly important to have role models and people that you look up to; but thinking back to my diplomatic career, there were very few senior people, particularly women, whom I could directly relate to. This was probably a consequence of the fact that women had to resign upon marriage in the FCDO until 1972. Nearly all had dissimilar backgrounds to me, their life experience was markedly different, and they were pretty much all men. Recognising this, early on I decided to take individual traits I admire in people and sort of collate them into a kind of jigsaw puzzle of the most admirable traits I had come across in people.
“Tone and body language matter a lot.”
I think that we’ve got the path to non-executive roles slightly wrong. Typically, a career path usually plays out in climbing a career ladder and reaching the pinnacle of your senior leadership and C-suite experience and from there you choose to retire from those roles and take on a portfolio of non-executive roles.
“I think that we’ve got the path to non-executive roles slightly wrong.”
I think there’s a different route: why not embrace a career stage of non-executive roles, before moving back into FTE roles? Thinking about my own situation with two teenage boys, doing the portfolio work has been great - not only is the work interesting and rewarding, but I also get to own my time and balance my professional and family lives. Later, once they are older and move out, I could go back into FTE roles armed with my non-executive experience and the fact that I won’t have the same responsibilities at home means I can do the kind of global jobs that may have a more intensive schedule. So, I would challenge my peers to question stereotypes around the way we think about our careers and when taking on non-executive roles makes sense.
For larger organisations, the problem is that you have existing revenue models that are proven, and an organisational structure and processes that support that stream. If you then come in with a left-field idea you need to give it the space to be proven. Often, however, such ideas end up either being deprioritised as there isn’t an immediate route to revenue or getting swamped by processes designed to serve a very different business model.
To get innovation right, the organisation needs:
“If you’re not steeped in the world of innovation it can be hard to know where to start.”
Nominations committees are looking at what the organisation needs in 5-10 years+ time. People are at the heart of every organisation, so if they don’t identify the right people with the right skills and values they’ll end up creating a huge problem for the future.
“If they don’t identify the right people with the right skills and values they’ll end up creating a huge problem for the future.”