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Case Study — Manchester College

Case study

2 min read

“We don’t have the fear factor anymore when it comes to creating board information.”

The Challenge

LTE Group (formerly Manchester College) were eager to solve issues around paper-based board pack administration and introduced an electronic, paperless board portal. But Governors and Managers struggled with that tool, finding it hard to use and difficult to maintain:

  • Late papers and last minute amendments were tricky to manage
  • Working late was a regular occurrence for the Secretariat, who stayed after hours to upload late papers
  • The collation process could often take hours, resulting in other important tasks being put on hold
  • Governors struggled to access their papers as the tool was clunky to navigate and would sometimes fail
  • The introduction of new committees was only going to increase the burden on the Secretariat


The Solution

Implementing Board Intelligence’s board portal, was easy and immediately resolved the issues LTE Group were facing. The Governors have found it easy to access their papers and love how they can annotate, search and navigate their way through the packs.

  • Papers are now quicker and easier to collate, with late papers and last minute changes no longer a problem
  • The Governors have adopted the new iPad app easily and now all use tablet devices for their meetings
  • LTE Group has been able to call on support whenever needed
  • The system has meant LTE Group has not had to hire new team members to manage the extra committees, delivering significant cost savings in the long-term


The Outcome

After a successful first few months, LTE Group was quick to roll out Read to other committees and management teams. Read has quickly become the easiest and most efficient way to produce documents for meetings.

“With the creation of several new divisional boards we needed to manage the additional workload as efficiently as possible. Board Intelligence was the obvious solution.”
~ Jennifer Foote, Company Secretary and General Counsel

The introduction of Read has saved time, money and most importantly, allowed the Governors to focus on the board pack rather than worrying about how they access it.

  • Producing board reports used to take hours — it now takes 15 minutes
  • The secretariat teams can manage their time more effectively, managing late papers remotely rather than staying late at work, waiting for papers to arrive
  • Governors and Management receive their packs instantly, finding it easy to access the right information wherever they are


If you would like to know more about our board portal, and how it can help your organisation, click here to book a demo. Once you have filled out our form, we will be in touch to arrange a convenient time for you.

You can also download this case study as a PDF, simply click the button below.


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