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Keep Your Stakeholders In Focus

Board agendas and papers that go beyond Section 172

Stakeholders shouldn’t be just another item on the board’s agenda. Effective stakeholder governance is integral to strategic planning and operations and must be reflected in every aspect of your board meeting, from the agenda through to board papers and decision-making.

Effective stakeholder governance is fast becoming table stakes for the modern boardroom. Which boards thrive, survive, or fail will be determined by how well they embrace stakeholder governance.
While 82% of boards have discussed improving stakeholder governance, most still face significant challenges:
of boards
have a strong focus on one or two key stakeholders, but have no time for the others.
of boards
don’t systematically track how decisions are made, making it hard to evidence Section 172 compliance.

Embed stakeholders in all aspects of your board meeting

Agenda Planner

Put stakeholders at the heart of your agendas

  • Build and manage forward agendas in one place and start with strategy and stakeholders — not habit and convention.
  • Use Stakeholder Tagging to ensure your key stakeholders have time on the agenda and a voice at the table.
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Frameworks & Templates

Put stakeholders at the heart of your board papers

  • Roll out best-practice reporting templates that prompt management to think about key stakeholders with each paper they prepare, making stakeholder governance systemic at all levels
  • Require and evidence stakeholder considerations with decision papers that pull out the insights boards need.
  • See at a glance the stakeholder metrics that matter — from shareholders to society — on a one-page company dashboard.
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Section 172, Stakeholder Analytics & Dashboards

Build transparency that moves beyond the letter, to the spirit of the law

  • Generate a stakeholder-by-stakeholder breakdown of where your board has spent its time, and support your Section 172 statement, with Agenda Analytics.
  • Evidence stakeholder considerations through a fully searchable archive of agendas, packs, and papers.

Join the boards making stakeholders an asset, not a liability

Over 20,000 board members rely on Board Intelligence to keep their focus on what matters — from their balance sheet to their stakeholders. And don’t just take our word for it: 65% of new users come through recommendation.

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